Monday, September 21, 2009

This Week in Art Class

Just a little update on what we're working on this week...

Kindergarten: This week we are working on adding hair and textures to our self-portraits.

1st Grade: This week the students are adding oil pastel designs onto their watercolors paintings to enhance the details they originally drew.

2nd Grade: This week students will add dot and line designs to their paintings to really show the Aboriginal ideas they are implicating

3rd Grade: This week the students are adding their flowers and painting all their details with a paintbrush.

4th Grade: This week the students are working on finishing their tessellation drawing, and then adding color.

5th Grade: This week the students are finishing up their still-life sketch, and then adding value changes with colored pencils

The art show is quickly approaching and we are working as hard as we can to get our artwork done!!! Don't forget to R.S.V.P. so that your child's artwork can be displayed with their class! Remember, by sending in your R.S.V.P. you are NOT buying a frame, you are guarantying a spot for your child in the art show. Please R.S.V.P!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Important Art Show Information

Parents please note that even if you don't plan on purchasing a frame at the art show, you still need to R.S.V.P. so your student's artwork can be displayed. If you do not R.S.V.P. your student's artwork will not be framed and put out with the rest of their class! This event will be a great self-esteem booster for your child. Seeing that their artwork is important enough to be out on display with their class is a great experience! =) Thanks!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This week in Art Class...

Here's what we've worked on this week in art class:

Kindergarten-This week we started our artwork for the art show (October 6th!). The students filled in the background of their white paper by using texture plates and crayons. After this, the students were given skin color paper, drew the shape of their face, cut it out and glued it onto their paper.

1st Grade- This week the students finished up drawing their landscape painting inspired by Starry Night by Van Gogh. Also some classes began painting their landscape with watercolors.

2nd Grade- This week the students finished up drawing their Aboriginal inspired artwork on their white paper. We discussed painting procedures and the students learned how to pump their own paint from th paint jugs. Some students then began to paint their artwork.

3rd Grade- This week the students finished up drawing their landscape garden scenes inspired by Monet. I then reviewed painting procedures with the students, and discussed sponge-painting techniques with them. Some students then began to paint their garden scene.

4th Grade-This week has been challenging for the students, but all made it through! We finished designing our polygons that we will create our tessellation with, and the students then began to draw a grid on their white paper. After the grid was complete, students began to trace their polygon onto their paper using the grid.

5th Grade- This week, we began drawing our fruit still-life on good white paper. The students were challenged to draw a group of objects from life, and I was VERY impressed with the students' work!

More to come next week! =)

Grades in Art Class

Grading in specials is different than in the regular classroom. I give grades based on the O-S-N-U system. O is Outstanding and represents a 95%, S is Satisfactory and represents an 80%, N is Not Satisfactory and represents a 65%, and U is Unsatisfactory and represents a 55%. PowerSchool has assigned each letter to a percentage, and as I enter letter grades, they are averaged together for a final percentage. I can not change or put in any percentage, it is strickly an O, S, N, or a U when I put grades in. Larger projects in art class are graded with a rubric that are sent home with the artwork, please refer to these when looking at your child's grades. These still will be using the O-S-N-U grading scale.

I also give weekly behavior grades. If a student comes to art class and does everything they are asked to and does not have a behavior problem, they receive an O. If a student breaks one of our classroom promises (discussed the first week of school and includes not talking while the teacher is talking, not throwing or using art materials innapropriately, showing respect to the teacher and classmates, etc.) they will receive an N and be sent to the "Thinking Corner" to think about their actions. If they behave innapropriately a second time, they will receive a U and be sent to the office. By enforcing the promises of the art room, I can establish a safe learning environment for all students.

If you have any questions about grading, please contact me. =)

Art Fair is Coming!

Art Fair is quickly approaching!! On October 6th from 6:30-8:00, in the Brown Cafeteria, there will be an art show of all the student's artwork from Brown Elementary. We have been busy in the art room preparing for the art show, creating artwork inspired by Monet, Van Gogh, Tessellation designs, still-life, shapes, and Aboriginal art.

Over the next few weeks, flyers will be sent home detailing the event. Attached to these flyers are RSVP cards that need to be filled out and sent back to school if you want your child's artwork to be framed and showcased at the event. Only one RSVP per child is needed. All student's that have brought back an RSVP card will have their artwork framed and displayed with their class on October 6th. At the event, parents and guardians will have the opportunity to purchase the frame that holds their child's artwork for $29.99 plus tax. 20% of all proceeds will come right back to our school. Please do not send money to school for the frame. All purchases should be made at the Art Fair. If you choose not to purchase a frame, your child's artwork will be given back to the student a few weeks after the event to take home.

If you have any questions about Brown Elementary's Art Fair please email or call me (Mrs. Conner, Brown's art teacher).
317-852-1498 Ext. 1030

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Goooood Morning!

In art this year, I will be having an Art Star of the Month for each month we are in school. To become the "art star" students first have to be given an art ticket (you get an art ticket when you have done something extra-ordinary like helping someone in need, assisting me, doing some amazing artwork, etc.). All students who receive an art ticket will be placed in a drawing. At the end of each month, I will be drawing a name out and that student will be the "art star"! Art stars will be given an art certificate, have their name put on my bulliten board that is specifically for the art star, have an email or call home, and be given an art prize. Good luck to all students!!! =)