Monday, December 21, 2009

Grades in Art Class Will be Changing!

After break, the behavior grade that is given in art class each week will be changing slightly. It will become a mix between participation and behavior in class. Also every student will start out with an "S" for this grade as participating in classroom activities and following classroom rules is expected. Students may achieve an "O" if they go above and beyond classroom expectations and perform exemplary during activities. On the flip side, students who choose to not participate or behave appropriately in art class will earn the grade "N".

Behavior will not be assessed on a project grade, however, if a student is not participating or following classroom rules while they are in art class the quality of their work is likely to be lower than that of students following classroom procedures properly.

Just a reminder that an "O" is outstanding and counts as a 95% in Power School, a "S" is satisfactory and counts as a 80%, a "N" is not satisfactory and counts as a 65%, and a U is Unsatisfactory and counts as a 50%. I do not assign the percentages, it is an automatic calculation by Power School. I enter the letter given to the project and the percentage is assigned.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call!

Happy Holidays!!! =)

Merry Christmas!

It's that time of year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will see everyone after break!