Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pictures of Artwork!

I have added pictures of artwork onto the Flikr Stream to the right. You will see tessellations created by 5th graders, jungle inspired collages by 3rd graders, Gyotaku prints by 1st graders, and color wheel clowns created by Kindergartners! Please enjoy their hard work!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Art Room Update

Wow! What a great performance from the 4th and 5th graders on Tuesday unight! 5th grade students spent hours after school creating the backdrops for the 5th grade musical and they turned out wonderful!

Projects are coming along here in the art room! I am so proud of the growth I see in the students! They are learning about how to create collages and prints, mix light and dark values with paint, and how to create sculptures out of clay. Photos of finished artwork will continue to be updated in the Flikr stream to the right. Enjoy!

Monday, October 10, 2011

New Pictures!

Pictures of finished artwork are posted to the right in my Flikr stream. Please enjoy the artwork! Students have been working hard and we're showing it off!

Kindergarten Collage Self-portraits
1st Grade Vincent Van Gogh "Starry Night" Landscapes
2nd Grade Henri Matisse "Wild Beast" self-portraits
3rd Grade Claude Monet Landscapes
4th Grade Robert Indiana Word Designs


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Art Room Update!

Hello All! Students have been hard at work over the past weeks in the art room. Last Friday we were able to review a few elements of art with the upper grades and went outside to use our spacial skills with the younger grades. I have attached the pictures from those projects in my Flikr stream. Grades 3-5 practiced using line, shape, and value by taking off one of their shoes and drawing it. Students have to really focus on the details of their shoes and the results are fantastic! Younger grades had to work as a group (teamwork!) and come up with a large drawing that they could put their actual bodies in for a picture. Students drew monsters, cars, ferris wheels, and huge pizzas! They then incorporated each member of their group into the artwork for a picture. These pictures are attached to the right. What a fun Friday!

Here is an update of what each grade level is working on currently in their regular art classes!

Kindergarten: Students are finishing up their collage self-portraits that they began a few weeks ago this week. Students added the remaining features of their faces, their shoulders and hair. The pictures of the finished artworks will be in the Flikr stream! Kindergartners will learn about the color wheel next and how to mix secondary colors from primary colors.

1st Grade: Students are working on on their "Starry Night" landscapes inspired by Van Gogh. This week students are continuing to add color with water colors and are focusing on the beautiful swirly sky

2nd Grade: Students are finishing up their "wild beast" self-portraits this week. Pictures of the finished artwork to come soon!

3rd Grade: This week, students are finishing up their Monet inspired landscape. Students either drew a scene with garden inspiration or a scene with water/boat inspiration. Both of these scenes are commonly found in Monet's artwork.

4th Grade: Students are finishing up their Robert Indiana inspired word designs. Words, shapes, lines, and color are a common occurrence in Indiana's artwork and the student's too!

5th Grade: Students are hard at work on their Tessellations. This beautiful original pattern fills their papers. After tracing their original polygon, they add designs to make their artwork even more interesting.

I will be posting pictures of finished artwork as it gets finished in the Flikr stream. Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beginning of the Year Projects

We have begun work on our first projects of the school year. Over the past two weeks, students have created a sketchbook to use in the art room all year long. We will practice drawing new techniques, write, and plan in these sketchbooks. I also had the students make a name tag to leave in the art room to help me learn their names faster! This week, students in each grade level will be starting a new project. The projects that are done in the art room usually take 4-6 weeks to complete. The projects we are starting this week are:

Kindergarten: This week Kindergartners are learning/reviewing their shapes and colors. The students practice drawing shapes on different colors of paper and then practice cutting and gluing these shapes onto a background paper. This is practice for their first project which is a self-portrait collage. Next week, students will be starting this project.

1st Grade: This week 1st graders are learning about Vincent Van Gogh. The students view a video about the life and art of Van Gogh. They learn that he created an artwork called, "The Starry Night". After viewing the video, the students practice learning how to draw a "landscape" scene like "The Starry Night" in their sketchbooks. They learn that things that are far away are small and hard to see, and things that are up close are big and bright! Next week we will be finishing our sketch and then starting on a final drawing of a landscape like "Starry Night".

2nd Grade/Mrs. Smith's Class: This week 2nd Graders and Mrs. Smith's class are learning about the artist, Henri Matisse. They view a video about the life and art of Matisse, and then discuss the artwork that he did. Matisse loved to put color everywhere in his artwork so much that people called him a "wild beast"! After learning about Matisse, the students review how to draw a self-portrait and practice in our sketchbooks. We discuss where certain features are found on our faces and how to draw them. Next week students will be finishing their sketch, and then starting on a final drawing of themselves by looking in the mirror.

3rd Grade: This week 3rd graders are learning about the artist, Claude Monet. I have a book about Monet's life and artwork that I read to the students, and then we discuss a few of his artworks. Monet was an impressionist and painted very differently than most other artists. The students then practice either drawing a water/boat scene or a garden scene in their sketchbooks. We discuss what items we might see in scenes like that and students practice. Next week students will be finishing their sketches and then beginning on their final drawing for this project.

4th Grade: This week 4th graders are learning about the artist, Robert Indiana. I show a power point on Indiana and we discuss the characteristics of his artwork. The students then view his artwork, "Love". I then ask the students to think of their own 4 letter word or number that is significant to them and arrange it similar to Indiana's "Love". Students do this in their sketchbooks, and then use elements of design to enhance their words/numbers. Next week students will be finishing their sketch, and then creating their word/number on good drawing paper.

5th Grade/Mrs. McMullen's Class: This week 5th graders and Mrs. McMullen's Class are learning about Tessellations. I show a Power Point on this subject, and the students understand that Math skills can be used to make artwork. I lead the students through creating a unique polygon using "Translation" transformation and the students begin to visualize what their shape looks like. Next week we will be making a "Reflection" and "Rotation" transformation polygon, and the students will get to decide which one they will use to make their final Tessellation.

I am very excited to get started on the first projects of the year! I will be posting pictures of finished artworks throughout the year, so keep your eye out!

-Mrs. Conner =)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New School, New Year!

Welcome back to school! This year, I will be the art teacher at Cardinal Elementary while Mrs. DeStefano is on her maternity leave. I am very excited to be at Cardinal and look forward to a great year!

To begin the school year, all students will be introduced to classroom procedures, learn about projects they'll be creating this year, and make a sketchbook that they will use throughout the year. I am eager to meet all the students of Cardinal Elementary, and to see their creativity!

I will be posting pictures of finished projects throughout the year as well as update what projects each grade level is working on.

Let's get this year started! =)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Pictures of Artwork

I have updated my Flikr Stream! Please check out all the wonderful artwork that is being created here in the Brown Art Room!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Last Projects of the Year

Wow, I can't believe it's already here! We have begun work on our last projects of the year in each class. Here is what the students are working on!

Kindergarten: Clay Caterpillars. To begin this lesson I read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to the students. Then we look at the caterpillar's body in order to see how it is formed. Then the students create a caterpillar with clay, using the coil method. After rolling the clay to make the body, the students use a stylus to create the lines along the body like we see in a real caterpillar. The students then give the caterpillar a face to finish it. After going into the kiln to make the clay hard, the students then paint their caterpillar.

1st Grade: Pinch Pots. For this lesson, I begin by reading The Empty Pot to the students. This is a story of honesty and an empty pot. The students then create their own pot by using the pinch method. They then add designs to their pots with a stylus. After being fired in the kiln to make the clay hard, the students then use a special paint for clay called glaze to add color to their pots. The pots once again go back into the kiln to finish them.

2nd Grade: Amate Paper Paintings. Students learn about this beautiful art that comes from the Nahua Indians in Mexico. These artists create their own paper using the bark of trees, and then paint beautiful scenes onto it with brilliant colors. The students review how to draw birds (typically seen on this type of artwork) and other things seen in nature, and then create their own painting based on these subjects. Neon colors are used to paint their pictures to represent what the Nahua Indians did.

3rd Grade: Recycle Sculptures. Students explore the EPA's kids website in order to understand how to sort different materials for recycling to begin this fun project. Then the students begin to generate ideas for a sculpture they would like to make using recyclable materials. After choosing the materials they want to use, students combine them together with tape to create their sculpture. After it is complete students use scrap papers to cover their sculpture with color.

4th Grade: Mandalas. This is a type of design used in many types of artwork as well as in meditation. Students learn how mandalas are found in every day life, and then begin work on creating one of their own. Students must create shapes and designs that are symmetrical without tracing anything. Each mandala design is unique to that student. After designing their mandala, students add symmetrical color using markers to finish it.

5th Grade: Replica Clay Food. In Japan, a fake replica of the food restaurants serve is created for advertisement purposes. These replicas look so lifelike, they can be mistaken for real food. The students learn about this unique approach to advertising, and then begin to plan an idea for a replica of their favorite food made out of clay. They then use various techniques to build their chosen food with white clay. After it is made, the clay food goes into the kiln to become hard. The students then use glaze to add colors to their food to finish it.

Have a great day!

Friday, March 25, 2011


I am uploading some more images of student artwork to my Photo stream! Have a great spring break!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Art Room Update

Here is an update of what each grade level is working on right now.

Kindergarten: The kindergartner's have been hard at work on learning all about the color wheel. We learned primary and secondary colors, and also how to use the primary colors to make the secondary colors. The students used this knowledge to create a color wheel using paint. We are now in the process of turning our color wheels into clowns! We have cut out our color wheel and glued it down to a chosen background paper. We are now working on adding different parts of the clown with paper to form a collage. The clowns will be finished up in a week or two.

1st Grade: The first graders have just begun work on a group project. They are creating a mural as a team. There are 4 teams which will result in 4 murals. Each team is creating a mural about a different type of weather. Currently they are working on combining their ideas to create one large mural, and will soon add color to it.

2nd Grade: The students are currently working on their clay project for the year. This year I have changed the project so that I can collaborate with the 2nd grade classroom teachers. In their classrooms, students have been researching an arctic animal. In the art room, students have learned how to draw their arctic animal and are now working on creating it out of white clay. The students are very excited about this project!

3rd Grade: The students are still working on their city block collages inspired by Romare Bearden. We have been working on looking through magazines to add pictures of fun things, and will be finished with these projects next week.

4th Grade: The 4th graders are working on their clay project for the year. It is one of my favorites! They are working on creating a pot using coils inspired by Greek pottery. The students have been hard at work on these, and should be finished up in a week or two.

5th Grade: The 5th graders have begun work on an exciting project! They have been learning about photography and will be taking photos next week. They have to plan out their photos before setting them up and shooting. We will then use online manipulation websites to edit our photos.

That's all for now! =)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fresh Ideas for Education

Do you own a Marsh Fresh Idea Card?

If so then would you consider registering your card so that every time you use it it racks up points for Brown Elementary to use to buy teaching supplies? The following link will send to you a web page to do so. You will need your Fresh Idea Card Number (on your card, 12 numbers). Our school's registration code is 28530. Thank you for taking the time to help support our school!

Monday, February 28, 2011

BCSC Art Show 2011

Last Thursday, February 24, we had the annual BCSC art show. This showcases artwork done throughout our corporation. I selected various artwork from every grade level as well as the Life Skills class to be shown.

I had a fabulous time at the art show! I feel so proud of all my students when they are proud of their artwork! The reason I am an art teacher is to instill creativity within all my students (or if they are already full of creativity, to enhance it), to enrich their technical skills, and to show them the beauty of the world around them. When I can see the students growing every year and from project to project I burst with excitement for them! Seriously, I felt like a proud mom the whole night seeing the excitement on all the students faces!

All of the students that came to the art show had their picture taken with their artwork behind them in the display case. I am attaching these pictures to the Flikr photo stream for your viewing pleasure!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Art Room Update!

It's been a while since my last update! This is what we are working on here in the art room in each grade level!

Kindergarten: In this lesson, we are learning all about the color wheel! We begin our adventure in color with the primary colors, red, blue, and yellow, and then the secondary colors, orange, green, and purple. Things get exciting when we mix paint to get our secondary colors from our primary colors so we can have all the colors in the rainbow on one page. Through this lesson, students learn how to hold the paintbrush properly and paint carefully.

1st Grade: Pablo Picasso inspires this project as we learn to draw split-face self-portraits. after reading a book all about Picasso and his many stages in his artwork, we start our own masterpieces by making a practice sketch in our sketchbooks. Then we venture onto the big paper and after tracing all of our pencil marks with a permanent marker, we get to add color. We learn to make our self-portraits even more beautiful by learning to color neatly with the markers and practicing going slow and staying within the lines.

2nd Grade: With this unit, we take a trip down under to visit the culture of the Aborigines of Australia. First we look at artwork done by real Aboriginal people, done in that special style that is recognized world wide. Next we practice in our sketchbooks and make plans for our own museum-worthy pieces by drawing out our animals, figuring out a pattern, and finally choosing which colors would look best. Then the real fun begins as we re-draw our images onto the large paper, trace with permanent marker, and begin to paint our pictures. We finish by adding the dots that are found in every aboriginal artwork, the end result being aboriginal paintings with each students own creative flare.

3rd Grade: The 3rd graders are working on an artwork called a collage. This artwork is inspired by the artist, Romare Bearden, who was a famous African American collage artist. Bearden lived in New York for most of his life, growing up in the city of Harlem. The students learned about bearden's life and artwork and then began to

4th Grade: In 4th grade, we are working on building pots using the coil method. Our inspiration for this project is Greek pottery, and the students are well on their way to creating beautiful pottery! Students learn how to create a coil, and then how to build a pot using coils. I demonstrate how to create a wider pot or skinnier pot and the students continue to build up their pots.

5th Grade: The 5th graders are finishing up work on a color wheel project. First the students review primary and secondary colors, as well as vocabulary associated with each group. We then learned about the Tertiary or Intermediary colors. These colors are red-orange, yellow-green, etc. After learning about these colors the students create unique symmetrical shapes that will be the canvas for their colors on the color wheel. After their shapes are created and repeated 12 times (we are going to be creating a 12 color, color wheel) then we began to paint. The students began with the primary colors, then we learned how to mix each secondary family separately. After the painting is finished, students will be assembling all the painted shapes in a circle to form their own color wheel.

Please check out the newly added pictures to the blog located to the right!!!