Friday, March 25, 2011


I am uploading some more images of student artwork to my Photo stream! Have a great spring break!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Art Room Update

Here is an update of what each grade level is working on right now.

Kindergarten: The kindergartner's have been hard at work on learning all about the color wheel. We learned primary and secondary colors, and also how to use the primary colors to make the secondary colors. The students used this knowledge to create a color wheel using paint. We are now in the process of turning our color wheels into clowns! We have cut out our color wheel and glued it down to a chosen background paper. We are now working on adding different parts of the clown with paper to form a collage. The clowns will be finished up in a week or two.

1st Grade: The first graders have just begun work on a group project. They are creating a mural as a team. There are 4 teams which will result in 4 murals. Each team is creating a mural about a different type of weather. Currently they are working on combining their ideas to create one large mural, and will soon add color to it.

2nd Grade: The students are currently working on their clay project for the year. This year I have changed the project so that I can collaborate with the 2nd grade classroom teachers. In their classrooms, students have been researching an arctic animal. In the art room, students have learned how to draw their arctic animal and are now working on creating it out of white clay. The students are very excited about this project!

3rd Grade: The students are still working on their city block collages inspired by Romare Bearden. We have been working on looking through magazines to add pictures of fun things, and will be finished with these projects next week.

4th Grade: The 4th graders are working on their clay project for the year. It is one of my favorites! They are working on creating a pot using coils inspired by Greek pottery. The students have been hard at work on these, and should be finished up in a week or two.

5th Grade: The 5th graders have begun work on an exciting project! They have been learning about photography and will be taking photos next week. They have to plan out their photos before setting them up and shooting. We will then use online manipulation websites to edit our photos.

That's all for now! =)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fresh Ideas for Education

Do you own a Marsh Fresh Idea Card?

If so then would you consider registering your card so that every time you use it it racks up points for Brown Elementary to use to buy teaching supplies? The following link will send to you a web page to do so. You will need your Fresh Idea Card Number (on your card, 12 numbers). Our school's registration code is 28530. Thank you for taking the time to help support our school!