Monday, August 31, 2009

Let's Get This Year Started!

Good Morning! Starting now, I will be updating my blog weekly to keep everyone updated on what projects each grade is working on. I'm working on getting pictures attached to the blog to show the student's work as well, so keep your eyes out for that. As for now here is what everyone is working on currently:

Kindergarten- We are making collage self-portraits for our first project. Last week, we discussed shapes and looked at images to find shapes within them. This week we are going to be starting on our self portrait. First we will discuss the various shapes we see in our face (the students will be looking into mirrors) and then draw and cut those shapes out of the appropriate colors of paper. Hopefully we will get through all of the features of the face this week!

1st Grade- For first grade, we are creating a landscape painting based on Van Gogh's Starry Night. Last week we learned about the life and art work of Vincent Van Gogh, and discussed Starry Night. I asked the students what they saw in the painting, and we talked about his painting style impressionism.
We discussed what a landscape was and I demonstrated how to draw each component of a landscape. Then the students then practiced drawing a landscape in their sketchbooks, adding details and characteristics from Van Gogh's Starry Night.

2nd Grade- For the first project in 2nd grade, the students are creating an artwork based on Aboriginal art from Australia. Last week, I introduced the students the this type of art, and we discussed the similarities and differences we saw in artwork from our country and art done by the Aboriginees. The students then decided what they would want in their own artwork done in the Aboriginal style. The students sketched their ideas, and added designs and patterns.

3rd Grade- The first project in 3rd grade is a painting inspired by Claude Monet. Last week we learned about him and his interesting painting style. We looked at a few examples of his paintings and discussed what we saw in them. The students then reviewed the characteristics of a landscape painting, and they followed my demonstration of drawing a garden landscape in their sketchbooks. We added different garden items like a pond, path, bridge, flowers, greenery, etc.

4th Grade- To start the year off in 4th grade, we are creating tessellations. A tessellation is a design and is made of repeated shapes called polygons. Last week, we talked about Tessellations and learned that tessellations are found all over the world, and all around us. I then showed the students how to make a unique polygon shape that we will use to create our tessellation.

5th Grade- In 5th grade this year, our concentration will be drawing from life. To begin, we are going to be doing a still-life drawing of fruit. Last week, we did a warm up drawing excercise. The students learned how to draw a sphere by going through a hand out step by step. The students then drew the sphere in their sketchbooks.

More coming next week! =)

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