Sunday, February 21, 2010

Art Room Update

Things are moving right along in the art room! Here is an update of what each grade is currently working on right now.

Kindergarten: The Kindergartners are learning about the Chinese culture, focusing on the celebration of the New Year. I introduced the students to the Chinese culture and the New Year celebration by reading a book. We then learned how to draw a tiger because it is the year of the Tiger in China this year. We then further discussed the dragon dance that is performed for the celebration and the students were taught how to draw a dragon. I then showed the students how to create a paper lantern for the lantern festival. The students will be decorating their lanterns and will be watching a video about the lantern festival in China.

1st Grade: The first graders just completed their Color Wheel Clown project and will be learning about Japan this week. They will be learning about Gyotaku printing and about the Sumi-E painting style.

2nd Grade: The second graders just finished working on their jungle collages inspired by Henri Rousseau (pictures are up) and will be starting on their clay project this week. They will be researching birds and then creating a nest, bird, and eggs out of clay.

3rd Grade: Currently the third graders are in the middle of their clay project. The students learned about Edgar Degas and his sculpture of a ballet dancer called "Little Dancer, Age 14". They then sculpted a dancer (style was their choice) out of clay. The dancers went through a kiln fire are now ready to be painted. After the paint dries, the students will design clothes for the dancers using assorted fabrics.

4th Grade: The fourth graders are working on a painting project inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe. They learned about her artistic style and studied Color Theory. Then they chose a few objects (shells, flowers, etc.) and began to sketch them in their sketchbooks. They then chose their favorite object and are currently sketching it on a large 12 x 18 in. piece of paper. They will then paint their object.

5th Grade: The fifth graders are on the tail end of their unit on Egypt. The students learned about the mural painting styles of the Ancient Egyptians and then sketched their own scene using this unique method. The students viewed a video on the culture and history of Egypt and will be spending the next few weeks finishing their drawings.

The students are doing a great job this semester in art class, and I look forward to the rest of the year!

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